Community MHC of Crawford County Girard
810 Cedar Street
Girard, KS 66743
(620) 724-8806
Who Answers?
810 Cedar Street
Girard, KS 66743
(620) 724-8806
Elderly treatment is fragile and must be carefully considered before moving forward with care. Seniors often develop drinking problems to cope with loneliness, grief or pain. It is important to choose alcohol addiction treatment centers that have experience in treating the elderly. Substance abuse among the elderly is one of the fastest growing health problems….
An influential committee of British MPs has criticized successive governments for allowing Britain to develop a drinking habit that is killing tens of thousands of people every year. “Over the last 60 years drinking habits have been transformed. In 1947 the nation consumed 3.5 liters of pure alcohol per head: The current figure is 9.5….
Problem drinking comes in a range of severity and demographic subtypes but is quite common and substantially undertreated, according to several recent studies. There are two main disorders: alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. The former is less severe and is marked by drinking that leads to at least one of four problems: physically risky behavior….
An explosion in binge drinking among high school girls is driving an increase in unwanted teen sex, a nationwide survey, which will be outlined in Brisbane today, says. A massive 60 per cent of year 12 girls – and nearly one in three year 10 females – admitted to binge drinking three or more times….
We must fully debate our attitude to alcohol, or acknowledgment of our dysfunctionality will be suppressed, writes BRIAN O’CONNELL A soon-to-be-published study attempts to define, with some clarity, what the health consequences of our national hangover are. The report examined alcohol-attributable deaths and hospitalisation in Ireland from 2000 to 2004. In that period, one-in-10 bed-days….
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