Camas Path North
72 Camas Flat Road
Cusick, WA 99119
(509) 447-7412
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72 Camas Flat Road
Cusick, WA 99119
(509) 447-7412
Heavy drinking can affect the ability to recognize other people’s facial emotions, a new study has found. Researchers used functional MRI to monitor brain activity in 15 abstinent long-term alcoholics while they looked at images of faces with positive or negative emotional expressions. The brain scans revealed decreased activation in the amygdala and hippocampus, regions….
The anti-smoking drug Chantix may also be able to help problem drinkers cut down on alcohol, a preliminary study suggests. In a study of 20 smokers who were also heavy drinkers, Yale University researchers found that those who took Chantix for one week became less interested in drinking. They reported less craving for alcohol, and….
With high school graduation season in full swing, many parents are worried that alcohol may play a harmful role in their teens’ celebrations. An organization that studies teen drinking says parents should assume their teens will drink, and should use science to try to dissuade them. The Science Inside Alcohol Project advises parents to explain….
A few days before April, a young man, just 18 years old and a student at Waimea High School, was killed when he lost control of his pickup truck in the wee hours of a Sunday morning in Kekaha. His girlfriend was seriously injured and medivaced to O‘ahu for treatment. A press release from the….
Drinking during pregnancy can seriously harm a baby’s brain, yet thousands of mothers-to-be still do. Now scientists have begun testing whether a prenatal nutrient might offer those babies a little protection, part of a growing quest for ways to reverse the damage. The only help today: intense behavioral or educational therapies once children with fetal….
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