You may not think that exercise is very important when you are in drug treatment. Maybe you think you have bigger and better battles to fight or you can’t see how exercise would really help right now, but it does! Exercise during drug treatment is a vital part of the rehabilitation process that not only….
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Alcohol is an intoxicating liquid, obtained from the fermentation of grains or fruits. The different types of these liquid are the beer, wine and other hard liquors. People in habit of regularly consuming these liquids are sure to develop a compulsive need of these liquids over a period of time, which is commonly termed as….
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Survey says … alcohol may fuel bad behavior during the holidays with harmful effects that could extend way beyond a family feud. Such behavior could involve hurtful or embarrassing words, endangerment of self and others (drunk driving), acts of violence and sexual antics at the workplace and in the home. Such alcohol-induced acts may not….
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As a parent of a teenager who went through an alcohol ordeal, I’d like to share some information with other parents and most importantly – other teenagers. My 16-year -old son went on a drinking binge a short while back and almost lost his life. If it wasn’t for his awesome and most importantly, mature….
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True to its history of impaired judgment when it comes to handling alcohol, the Indiana General Assembly this year placed narrow business interests ahead of public welfare — and didn’t even do so evenhandedly. Regrettably, Gov. Mitch Daniels signed into law bills to expand Sunday hours for bars, give microbreweries a special dispensation to sell….
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