Parents in England are being warned not to under-estimate the “dangerous consequences” of under-age drinking. Children’s Secretary Ed Balls says parents worried about their children’s safety should recognise the connection between alcohol and “risky behaviour”. This follows a survey suggesting many parents do not rank drinking alcohol as a serious risk to their children. Mr….
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Alcoholism during pregnancy has never been encouraged by doctors worldwide but now there are more reasons to this. A new study has established that Alcohol consumption during pregnancy poses threat to the new born in the form of epilepsy. The study reiterates the fact that women during pregnancy should keep away from alcohol and lead….
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University of Texas-Pan American freshmen Iliana Cantu and Baldomero Perez giggled while taking a survey about alcohol use. The 18-year-olds said they don’t really drink and prefer to focus on their studies. “We’re geeks,” Perez joked. But they said they have friends attending schools beyond the Rio Grande Valley where binge drinking and heavy partying….
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Britain is facing a “silent epidemic” of dementia as alcohol consumption has doubled since the 1960s, doctors have warned. The link between alcohol consumption and dementia is being ignored and unless urgent action is taken today’s binge drinkers will be tomorrow’s dementia patients, psychiatrists said. Public awareness campaigns and labels warning that dementia is linked….
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Binge drinking is more likely to be caused by parental example than allowing a teenager a glass of wine with a meal, according to the head of York’s youth offending team. The comments of Simon Page come after the Government’s chief medical advisor, Sir Liam Donaldson, said under 15s should drink no alcohol whatsoever and….
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