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Treatment & Detox Guide
Alcohol poisoning: The hard facts
Poisoning caused by binge drinking – drinking excessively within a short period. For men, that’s five standard-sized alcoholic beverages within two hours. For women it’s four or more standard-sized drinks, which is defined as a 12-ounce beer, a 5- ounce glass of wine or a mixed drink with one shot. With excessive drinking, the liver struggles….
Dual Diagnosis
Dual diagnosis is the co-existence of a mental health disorder and drug addiction or alcoholism. Dual diagnosis also can be co-existence of eating disorder or drug addiction or alcoholism. To recover completely the person will require addiction treatment and psychiatric treatment for both problems. Alcohol and drug problem is common in Dual diagnosis and it….
Finding Help for Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription drug abuse is no longer a problem that only a certain generation or age group faces; rather it has become an epidemic, touching people of all walks of life. Many of the commonly abused prescription drugs are those that are prescribed for many health issues as well as recovery from those issues. Prescription drug abuse….
Extreme Drinking
Spring means a lot of things to thousands of students. For many high school and college students it means travel and extreme drinking. You don’t have to go far to see pictures of hard-partying teens and young adults on the internet. For them, binge drinking has become a dangerous badge of honor. But it comes….
Do You Have an Alcohol Problem? If You Answer Yes to Just One of These Questions Then You Do
Sorry to break the news but you may have a problem with alcohol. Even if you’re pretty sure you’re not an alcoholic you’d better think again about your drinking if you answer Yes to just one of the following questions. Do you ever worry that you tend to drink too much? Have any of your friends….