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Treatment & Detox Guide
Over-age drinking
December is the booziest month of the year, as Canadians increase their alcohol intake by about 35 per cent. That’s a lot of eggnog. That puts us even higher than the Italians, who drink about 30 per cent more than their monthly average in December, according to figures from a British think tank. At least….
Remember all the risks of binge drinking
Drinking heavily is not uncommon in Pullman. Whether it’s because of our age, peer pressure or some other reason straight out of the D.A.R.E. program, it happens. And while I’m sure you’re well aware drinking too much equals a hospital visit, there are a slew of other issues you should be aware of before going….
Doctors helping doctors
GUELPH, ONT. NICOLE VISSCHEDYK The Canadian Press “You walked into the office and sat down. Did it ever cross your mind that I wasn’t sober?” Sitting in the quiet, bright office of a doctor, the question jarred me. Dr. Graeme Cunningham is director of the addiction division at the Homewood Health Centre. He answered his….
10 ways to detoxify your body
It is necessary to detox your body if start feeling sluggish, have aches, pains, skin and digestive problems and start straying from your healthier health habits. Below given are 10 ways to detoxify your body. Firstly, it is recommended to eat plenty of foods that contain fiber. This includes foods like brown rice, fresh fruits….
Regular binge drinking can cause long-term brain damage
Just a few sessions of heavy drinking can damage someone’s ability to pay attention, remember things and make good judgments, research shows. Binge drinkers are known to be at increased risk of accidents, violence and engaging in unprotected sex. But the study is the first to identify brain damage as a danger of consuming more….