Bear River Health Department Substance Abuse Treatment
817 West 950 South
Brigham City, UT 84302
(435) 734-1321
Who Answers?
817 West 950 South
Brigham City, UT 84302
(435) 734-1321
When does a glass or two at the end of the day spill over into high-functioning alcoholism? After work every day you either go to the pub or return home to crack open a bottle of wine. Twice a week you might drink so much alcohol that you suffer memory loss. You spend much of….
This is the stark image of the silent killer everyone who drinks too much should remember. Shrivelled and lumpy, the liver belongs to someone who has developed advanced cirrhosis. The condition can develop without any noticeable symptoms until the damage to the organ becomes so serious that it is far too late to do anything….
A new book provides insights into the lives of so-called “high-functioning alcoholics” and the special challenges faced by those who need treatment but lack the impetus of hitting rock-bottom, the New York Times reported May 4.Sarah Allen Benton, author of “Understanding the High-Functioning Alcoholic,” offers herself as an example: she holds a Master’s degree from….
When the Government published its alcohol strategy in 2004, it concluded that drink was a problem for a “small minority” in Britain. The repeated warnings from health professionals, the statistics on alcohol-related ill health and hospital treatment, and the calculations of cost to the NHS tell a very different story. The annual number of hospital….
Should parents allow their teenage children to drink alcohol? Restaurants in Germany can legally sell alcohol to a teenager after his sixteenth birthday, and French children drink wine with dinner in the home starting at an early age. But U.S. parents who try to follow this relaxed European example, believing it fosters a healthier attitude….
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