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Voices of hope for alcoholics
When I attend meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous, I speak of my “experience, strength and hope.” As an alcoholic in recovery, I carry that message to others as part of the 12-step program I work in AA. This week, I listened to other voices, both younger and older, carry the message, too, from as near as….
Getting drunk drivers off roads a costly, complex problem
Mark says he is learning how to “live life on life’s terms.” After two drunken driving convictions and two marijuana possession convictions, the 34-year-old father of four is learning that it is time to grow up and make better choices. He’s learning how in an intensive DWI/Drug Court under the close supervision of McLennan County….
Women Still Drinking During Pregnancy
Despite the Surgeon General’s warning that alcohol can affect unborn children, pregnant women haven’t changed their drinking habits much over the past two decades, the CDC said. The average annual percentage of pregnant women who drank remained relatively stable at about 12% for any alcohol use and 2% for binge drinking, C. H. Denny, Ph.D.,….
Aversion Therapy for Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Aversion therapy is a type of therapy that teaches an alcoholic to associate some type of negative outcome with getting drunk. Aversion therapy is a way of conditioning the recovering alcoholic to not like alcohol because of the negative effects that alcohol has on them thus breaking the cycle of addiction. Aversion therapy can be….
The Effects of Binge Drinking
More than 1 in 5 people in the United States over the age of 12 reported binge drinking within the past month. This is consuming alcohol in excess to the degree of having five or more alcoholic drinks within a single event or day. The effects of binge drinking are numerous, and if repeated leads….