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‘I have to walk forward to keep where I am’
Every day starts at step one. I am powerless over alcohol. With alcohol my life is unmanageable. For 23 years, Randy has begun his day with the first step of Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12 Step Program. “I always know I am one moment and one drink away from where I was,” Randy said. Randy took his….
Alcohol a ‘major contributing factor’ in self harm
Alcohol was involved in nearly two thirds of self harm cases which were recorded as part of a pilot programme in the Western Health Trust area. The “Registry of Deliberate Self Harm” recorded almost 2,700 incidents between January 2007 and December 2008. The A&E units of Altnagelvin, Tyrone County and Erne Hospitals took part. The….
Prescription Drug Abuse Threatens Availability of Pain Medication
Take a look in your medicine cabinet — do you spot prescription pain medication? If so, are you contributing to the nation’s dramatic increase in irresponsible prescription drug use? According to the 2008 National Drug Control Strategies Report, 71 percent of prescription pain medication abusers obtained the drugs from family and friends. Among 12- to….
Binge drinking danger of giving your child a glass of wine
Just the one: Allowing children a glass of wine with dinner could turn them into binge drinkers in later life Parents who give their child the occasional glass of wine with their meal could be turning them into binge drinkers, scientists have warned. Growing numbers of middle class parents are following the example of French….
Binge culture
During the holiday season many high school seniors sort out their college preferences and work on their college applications. If in the midst of that anxiety-producing process, students and parents ask college officials to comment on the culture of drinking and alcohol abuse on campus, they are likely to be assured that the school upholds….