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Cancer Immunotherapy Shows Long-Term Promise In Lung Cancer
New, long-term results from a clinical trial presented today at the 1st European Lung Cancer Conference jointly organized by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the International Association of the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) show that MAGE-A3 ASCI (Antigen-Specific Cancer Immunotherapeutic), an immune-boosting treatment for lung cancer patients, reduces the risk of….
Alcohol kills a person every 15 seconds
A few sips of wine may be good for your heart, but alcohol-related disease and accidents take a life every 15 seconds according to research from the Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Problem is, few people stop at one drink. Researchers found that disorders linked to drinking wine, beer, whiskey, mixed drinks, etc….
Why You Should Hire an Interventionist
What is an Intervention? An intervention is typically seen when family and friends get together with a loved one who is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction and is not getting help, or is in denial of their addiction. The basic goal of an intervention is to help the struggling addict understand the effects….
Researchers alarmed by binge drinking on campus
An alarming number of 21-year-olds are participating in a dangerous practice of consuming 21 alcoholic beverages to celebrate reaching legal drinking age, according to a new report by researchers at the University of Missouri. More than a third of men and a quarter of women surveyed at the university who drank alcohol the day they….
Linwood Group reveals five essential things to ask when choosing a rehab clinic
The Linwood Group today revealed the five most important things to look for when choosing an alcohol rehab clinic. Deciding to seek treatment for alcohol dependency may be one of most courageous and life-changing steps someone will ever take. But not all alcohol rehabilitation programmes are created equal – in fact, they vary a good….