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High-Tech ‘Answer’ to Alcohol Addiction
Instead of locking offenders up for alcohol offenses, Putnam County is going high tech to try and help them get sober. Putnam County Circuit Court Judge Phillip Stowers pushed for a program called SCRAM. It’s a bracelet, which looks similar to a home-confinement bracelet, that detects alcohol 24 hours a day, seven days a week…..
Cirrhosis – The silent killer
This is the stark image of the silent killer everyone who drinks too much should remember. Shrivelled and lumpy, the liver belongs to someone who has developed advanced cirrhosis. The condition can develop without any noticeable symptoms until the damage to the organ becomes so serious that it is far too late to do anything….
Side effects of cancer treatment
Every person is differently affected with the cancer treatment. Depending on various physical factors, some people may experience fewer side effects while some may not experience any side effects at all. However, it is found that most of the patients feel very sick after or during their treatment process. Usually the doctors do tell their….
Do You Have an Alcohol Problem? If You Answer Yes to Just One of These Questions Then You Do
Sorry to break the news but you may have a problem with alcohol. Even if you’re pretty sure you’re not an alcoholic you’d better think again about your drinking if you answer Yes to just one of the following questions. Do you ever worry that you tend to drink too much? Have any of your friends….
Teenagers uncover reasons behind underage drinking
Three quarters of students admit to having consumed a significant amount of alcohol by the end of their school career, while six percent of 12 to 20-year-olds admitted to being heavy drinkers, according to a 2005 survey conducted by Monitoring the Future. And another survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,….