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Treatment & Detox Guide
US expert says positive thinking is the smart way to recover from alcoholism
Joe Gerstein, founder of the Smart Recovery treatment programme that is spreading from the US as an alternative to AA, explains why he rejects the myth that alcoholism is a ‘disease’ to be endured rather than cured Alcoholism is a disease that leaves victims powerless and needing to stay in permanent recovery if they are….
Treatment Options for Military Personnel
Military Healthcare Once a person joins the military they will receive health and dental care for themselves and for their family. Military men and women who fight overseas undergo a multitude of stress which can lead to mental illnesses as well as drug and alcohol abuse. Prescription drug abuse and alcohol abuse have both increased….
Underage drinking costs Nebraska $447 million
In these tough economic times, most people are watching where they spend their money, and it’s likely they wouldn’t be pleased to know that nearly $252 goes missing annually without them realizing it. That money goes to cover the costs associated with the hospitalization, law enforcement work and even funerals of minors who consume alcohol…..
Five policies on mental health and addiction
This week – the countdown toward the federal election – has been Mental Illness Awareness week. The cost of mental illness to the Canadian economy in terms of health care and lost productivity is estimated to be $51 billion a year. Given the absence of mental health and addiction issues from the campaign, it appears….
Cancer Treatment
Cancer is a disease seen in many people. It is an unpredictable and an uncanny condition. But, today medical science has advanced so much in the different fields of cancer treatment that the cures and treatment for cancer are readily available. There are different alternatives available and the choice of a particular one depends upon….