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Treatment & Detox Guide
What Factors Help People to Stay in Treatment?
When your addicted to drugs or alcohol the entire process of treatment is a difficult and challenging process that takes time and effort. Various changes must be made emotionally, physically, personally and financially to assure the overall successful recovery of an addict and all these changes can be difficult to deal with psychologically not to….
Dangers of binge drinking
Binge drinking is often associated with many health risks including sexually transmitted diseases and alcohol poisoning. While it’s been proven that drinking alcohol in moderation can be good for your health, that is not the case when it comes to binge drinking. FACC Cardiologist Dr. Lynn Einbinder says binge drinking is usually defined as having….
Teen alcoholic tells of battle with the bottle
Jesse is 23-years-old and should be able to have a beer with his mates. Instead he is an alcoholic. After leaving school at 16 to take up a chef apprenticeship, he began regularly drinking with his older work mates, then slowly watched his life spiral out of control as he went on three or four….
Cure for alcoholism discovered?
An eminent French doctor claims to have identified a ‘miracle’ cure for alcoholism. In his book titled, Le Dernier Verre [The Last Glass], Dr Olivier Ameisen, claims that he got rid of his habit with the help of drugs, although experts and anti-alcoholism campaigners are sceptical about his claims. Citing his own case as an….
Overeaters Anonymous provides support in fight against compulsion
FRAMINGHAM, Mass. — Facing a dozen strangers seated around a table, the heavyset man with thinning hair put down his coffee and paused before introducing himself: “My name is Christian. And I’m a compulsive overeater.” For the next hour, members of the MetroWest Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous shared personal stories of long-term weight gain and….