A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Treatment & Detox Guide

Youths’ drug of choice? Prescription

prescription drug abuse problem

Baby boomers made marijuana their ‘gateway’ — and some still can’t let go, a report says — but a younger generation finds prescription drugs are an easier score. It’s been four decades since the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, but aging baby boomers haven’t stopped turning on. The federal government’s National Survey on Drug….

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Is Luxury Alcohol Treatment Right for Me?

Are you considering alcohol treatment but can decide if luxury alcohol treatment is right for you? Maybe you’ve heard about luxury alcohol treatment before but figure it’s only for celebrities such as those you see on Celebrity Rehab or you might think that luxury alcohol treatment is reserved for high end attorneys, CEOs of major….

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Impulsivity Linked to Cocaine Addiction

Call it the chicken-and-egg debate of the addiction world: Cocaine addicts are known for being frenetic, but which came first, the behavior or the habit? New research indicates that, at least in rats, it’s the behavior that begets addiction. What’s more, the study has pinpointed the character trait–impulsiveness–that is responsible for developing true drug dependence…..

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Helping Someone With Alcohol or Drug Problem

Alcohol or Drug addiction

If someone confides in you that he or she has a problem with alcohol or other drugs, some ways of dealing with this situation clearly work better than others. You should try to be: Understanding – listen to reasons why he or she uses/ abuses alcohol or other drugs; Firm – explain why you feel….

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Public talk on alcohol abuse

New Zealand needs to address its serious alcohol problem, says an Otago University professor who is holding a public meeting on the Shore. Doug Sellman, a professor of psychiatry and addiction medicine, says at least 700,000 Kiwis are heavy drinkers. “New  Zealand is paying a heavy price through deaths, injuries, chronic diseases, police apprehensions and overburdened emergency departments,….

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