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Challenges in ADHD Treatment
About ADHD and Treatment According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, ADHD is a mental illness distinguished by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. ADHD is most commonly diagnosed in young people and it affects 9 percent of children between the ages of 3 and 17. However, it also diagnosed in adults, as an estimated 2….
Recovered Alcoholics Still Face Difficulties Recognizing Emotions
Though they may have recovered, a new study confirms that alcoholics may still face social difficulties. Now, researchers have demonstrated that after recovery, the brains of people suffering from alcoholism still process things differently, which may lead to difficulties recognizing emotions in others. The researchers looked at brain scans of 15 former alcoholics and 15….
Alcohol-fuelled disorder costs every home
Alcohol-fuelled crime and disorder is costing every household almost £600 a year as the true impact of the country’s drink problem is exposed for the first time. Coping with the effects of drunken rowdiness and offending, including policing, health care and loss of earnings, leaves England and Wales with an annual bill of up to….
Governments’ Drug-Abuse Costs Hit $468 Billion, Study Says
Government spending related to smoking and the abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs reached $468 billion in 2005, accounting for more than one-tenth of combined federal, state and local expenditures for all purposes, according to a new study. Most abuse-related spending went toward direct health care costs for lung disease, cirrhosis and overdoses, for example,….
Monthly Shot Helps Alcoholics From Drinking
A new monthly injection could help keep holiday drinkers on the wagon. David Rosenbloom, a specialist in substance abuse at Boston University School of Public Health, said for people battling alcoholism, holidays pose a strong danger of relapse. “For some it’s the stress of being lonely, for others it’s the stress of being with people,”….