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Sleep problems persist, but there’s still hope for recovering alcoholics, new study finds
Sleep was an issue at the beginning for “Joe,” a recovering alcoholic from Evanston, but two years and nine months down the line, instead of drinking to pass out, he sleeps through the night. “Now it’s a pleasure to live. That’s what motivated me,” said Joe, who asked that his real name be withheld. Joe’s….
Underage drinking poses dangers, residents reminded
The Placer County Health and Human Services (HHS) Substance Abuse Prevention Program is reminding parents, teens and young adults to remain diligent against underage drinking and binge alcohol consumption, especially during the holidays. Students, both high school and college, are out for annual holiday breaks. And while the holidays bring many festive occasions, they can….
Five policies on mental health and addiction
This week – the countdown toward the federal election – has been Mental Illness Awareness week. The cost of mental illness to the Canadian economy in terms of health care and lost productivity is estimated to be $51 billion a year. Given the absence of mental health and addiction issues from the campaign, it appears….
Alcohol Dangerous Mix
Increasingly young children and binge drinking are a difficult combination for parents to handle — but we can’t ignore it The dreaded birds-and-bees talk looks easy compared to this new rite of modern parenthood. Among issues parents are encouraged to talk to their teenage and pre-teen children about is how to identify a case of….
Friends, family feel alcoholism affects
You don’t have to drink to suffer from alcoholism, according to Al-Anon, a self-help recovery program founded in 1951 for families and close friends of alcoholics. Those closest to an alcoholic are deeply affected by the disease of alcoholism — emotionally, spiritually and physically. Although the root of their problem is not always easy to….