to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
West Virginia Treatment Centers
West Virginia AA Meetings
West Virginia Area 73 Alcoholics Anonymous
Al-Anon Family Groups
West Virginia Al-Anon / Alateen
Mental Health Services
Health & Human Bureau for Behavioral Health
West Virginia Behavioral Healthcare Providers
West Virginia Behavioral Health
Well WVU Mental Health
Anonymous Groups
Greater WV Area – NA
Mountaineer Region NA
NA Wheeling West Virginia
Cocaine Anonymous – call (800) 347-8998
West Virginia Gamblers Hotline – call 855-2CALLGA
Sex Addicts Anonymous West Virginia
Marijuana Anonymous West Virginia
West Virginia Helplines
AIDS Hotline – call (800) 642-8244
Rape Crisis Center – call (304) 523-0558
West Virginia Child/Adult/Domestic Violence Abuse Hotline – call 800-352-6513
Runaway youth and family crisis center – call 800-999-9999
Treatment & Detox Guide
Alcohol is daily consumed all over the globe. Alcohol is a drink which has the power to make psychoactive changes in the brain of the human body. Alcohol, when consumed regularly and in large quantities is sure to affect the physical well being of the person. People tend to be alcohol addicted because they enjoy….
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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools have a new program to tackle binge drinking in teens, which seems to start before they head to college, according to a national survey. The survey by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said 18 percent of 12 to 20-year-olds are binge drinkers. The school system is using federal money for….
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When a loved one is addicted to methamphetamine the most important thing to do is get them into treatment immediately. Crystal meth, also known as glass or methamphetamine, is a dangerous drug and a meth addiction is a widely growing problem throughout the United States. Methamphetamine addiction is a very dangerous condition that requires immediate….
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Alcoholism is a degenerative disease that often goes untreated for various reasons despite the many different types of treatment offered at alcohol treatment centers to help those who are addicted to get sober. Each alcohol treatment center is different, and many offer an array of services to their patients while others take things relatively simple….
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Military Healthcare Once a person joins the military they will receive health and dental care for themselves and for their family. Military men and women who fight overseas undergo a multitude of stress which can lead to mental illnesses as well as drug and alcohol abuse. Prescription drug abuse and alcohol abuse have both increased….
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