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Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome need intervention

Biggest barrier often mother’s guilt over drinking alcohol during pregnancy, says woman with affected son Alone and grieving the deaths of three close friends, Annette Cutknife drank for all nine months of her pregnancy. A college student at the time, she didn’t care what would happen, but the moment her son was born, she knew….

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Side effects of over consumption can be fatal

When it comes to drinking, it seems as though Americans are fond of taking an alcoholic beverage from time to time. In a Gallup Consumption Habits poll, 63 percent of Americans reported that they drink alcohol, while 37 percent reported they abstain. While alcohol is typically not harmful in moderation, and can actually be beneficial….

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Risky Drinkers Less Likely to Take Good Care of Themselves & Seek Medical Care

Kaiser Permanente Study Finds Heavier Drinkers Have Worse Health Care Habits Women and men who engage in frequent heavy drinking report significantly worse health-related practices, according to a Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research study in the journal Addiction Research & Theory. For the study, researchers surveyed 7,884 members of the Kaiser Permanente Northwest integrated….

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‘They saved my life’ from alcohol abuse

A few years ago, Susan Banoski didn’t care if she lived or died. A homemaker married to her husband for 30 years, Mrs. Banoski’s life was forever changed when he died four years ago. Distraught by her husband’s death, she went into a downward spiral. “I started using drugs and alcohol,” the 57-year-old said. Reeling….

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Recent study finds men more likely to become alcoholics

A recent study in Lancet Medical Journal says men are twice as likely as women to become alcoholics. Casual drinking may lead to something more serious. A study released this month shines a light on the risks of alcohol abuse, especially among those with a “Y” chromosome. The report says men are twice more likely….

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