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Older Drinkers: Timebomb For Carers, Health Services
A report Alcohol and Older People: A Review of issues and responses by researchers at the University of the West of England, investigating the implications for care provision for older people with alcohol problems, has identified that health care practitioners and alcohol services are likely to need to move up a gear to cope with….
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotic anonymous was started in the late 1940’s, which sprang up from the “Alcoholics Anonymous Program”. Narcotics Anonymous is an “international community-based association”, whose prime goal is of “recovering drug addicts”. The narcotics anonymous is spread across “127 countries worldwide” and has conducted more than “43,900 weekly meetings”. This association is based on a “non….
Extreme Drinking
Spring means a lot of things to thousands of students. For many high school and college students it means travel and extreme drinking. You don’t have to go far to see pictures of hard-partying teens and young adults on the internet. For them, binge drinking has become a dangerous badge of honor. But it comes….
Relapse Prevention Therapy Steps
Relapse prevention therapy is a type of therapy that aims at helping the recovering addict to cope with stressors that could potentially cause them to relapse. While relapse is a common occurrence for many addicts, relapse prevention therapy )RPT) can greatly reduce the chances of a relapse occurring because the recovering addict is already armed….
Interview with a Recovering Alcoholic
Andrew used to be an alcoholic. He’s come a long way in his life. He’s the one person in my life who I can truly say lost it all, and has overcome. Andrew’s tale is both heart breaking and heart warming and I had to share it with all of you. Andrew, at what age….