to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Washington Treatment Centers
Washington AA Meetings
Western Washington Area Alcoholics Anonymous
Vancouver Intergroup AA
Washington State Area 92 AA
The Greater Seattle Intergroup of AA
Al-Anon Family Groups
Washington Area Al-Anon / Alateen
Mental Health Services
Washington State – Mental Health Services
Anchor Mental Health Association
Washington County Mental Health Services
Southwest Washington Behavioral Health
Anonymous Groups
NA Seattle Area
Southwest Washington Area NA
NA Chesapeake & Potomac Region
Cocaine Anonymous Washington State Area
Marijuana Anonymous, Washington
Overeaters Anonymous Greater Seattle Intergroup
Western Washington Gamblers Anonymous
Washington Helplines
HIV Client Services –call (877) 376-9316
Crisis Clinic of the Peninsulas – call (360) 452-4500
DC Rape Crisis Center – call 202-333-7273
Washington Domestic Violence – call 800-562-6025
Abuse and Neglect Hotline – call 1-866-ENDHARM
Child Abuse Hotline – call (202) 671-SAFE
WA Recovery Help Line – call 866-789-1511
Treatment & Detox Guide
A new study by an international team of public health researchers documents the devastating impact of alcohol abuse on Russia — showing that drinking caused more than half of deaths among Russians aged 15 to 54 in the turbulent era following the Soviet collapse. The 52 percent figure compares to estimates that less than 4….
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Drinking heavily is not uncommon in Pullman. Whether it’s because of our age, peer pressure or some other reason straight out of the D.A.R.E. program, it happens. And while I’m sure you’re well aware drinking too much equals a hospital visit, there are a slew of other issues you should be aware of before going….
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Bi-polar disorder is mainly a type of mood disorder and highly related to the psychological health of a person. People affected with bi-polar disorder experience great emotional fluctuations, which can induce fatal suicidal tendency in the affected. Therefore, bi-polar disorder needs to be timely treated. To help the patient, knowing the causes of the disorder….
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Obama’s decision not to prosecute medical marijuana users and sellers suggests the war on drugs is ending Ships of state tend to change course slowly. Policies set in place over decades, and implemented by large, self-perpetuating bureaucracies and enforcement systems are pretty hard to dismantle. Fundamental change rarely happens overnight. Much of the criticism that….
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If you are addicted to alcohol and you are considering alcohol treatment as a means of getting well then you will want to consider all of your options. There are many different types of alcohol treatment centers that provide a range of treatment options for individuals who suffer from mild to moderate or even very….
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