to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Virginia Treatment Centers
Virginia AA Meetings
Virginia AA Area 71
Virginia AA Area 71 District Meetings
Northern Virginia Intergroup
AA in Central Virginia
Al-Anon Family Groups
Virginia Al-Anon / Alateen
Northern Virginia Al-Anon
Mental Health Services
Virginia Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Mental Health America of Virginia
Henrico County, VA Mental Health & Developmental Services
Chesterfield County, VA Mental Health Support Services
Anonymous Groups
Central Atlantic Region NA
Blue Ridge Area NA
Dulles Corridor Area of NA
Cocaine Anonymous – Northern Virginia
Marijuana Anonymous – Virginia
Virginia Sex Addicts Anonymous
Virginia Gamblers Anonymous – call (434) 563-6694
Virginia Helplines
STD/AIDS Hotline – call (800) 533-4148
Virginia Suicide – 866-4-U-TREVOR
Child Abuse / Neglect Hotline – call 800-552-7096
State Elder Abuse Hotlines – call 888-83-ADULT
Virginia Rape Crisis Center Hotline – call (205) 323-7273
Teen helpline – call 800-SAY,TEEN
Treatment & Detox Guide
CAN THE WAY you chew a raisin affect the way you experience pain? Trials at St James’s and AMNCH (Tallaght) Hospitals in Dublin are beginning to look at how “mindfulness meditation” can be used to help people cope with a diverse range of problems including chronic pain, depression, anxiety, cardiac difficulties and even psoriasis. “Mindfulness….
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Doctors say women who drink heavily early in a pregnancy – possibly before they know they are pregnant – may be raising the risk of premature delivery. A study of 4,719 Australian women found almost an 80% higher risk for women who drank heavily in the first third of pregnancy, then stopped. However, experts warned….
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About Teenagers and Alcohol Abuse According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, approximately 10.4 million people between the age of 12 and 20 had tried alcohol by age 15, and at least fifty percent of teenagers have had at least one full drink. Furthermore, by age 18, more than 70% of teens….
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The effects of fetal alcohol exposure may be more profound than researchers hoped. Results of a new study reveal the prenatal damage to peptides in the fetal brain may endure into adulthood despite environmental enrichment provided in a child’s early years. Neurotrophins — a family of peptides produced in the nervous system — are critical….
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Binge drinking more than triples a man’s risk of dying from a stroke. Researchers studied 6,291 Korean people aged 55 years or older to examine the association between binge drinking and risks of mortality due to all causes of death with a focus on cerebrovascular disease. It was noted that 59 percent of adults reported….
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