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Substance Abuse Among Youth
The young people of the 21st century encounter life situations, pressures and temptations unlike any other generation before them. These experiences coupled with the volatile hormonal changes taking place in teens make for a population highly susceptible to substance abuse issues. Youth substance abuse rates remain a cause for concern among parents, teachers and communities….
Alcoholism in the Jewish community
It’s not easy to be a recovering alcoholic who is also Jewish. It’s hard enough for someone to admit having a problem with alcohol, let alone having to buck long-standing cultural and religions traditions to find sobriety. Helping people overcome these unique challenges is the goal of Jewish Family Service (JFS). With offices located in….
Minneapolis lawmaker wants to legalize teen drinking in some situations
The hazards of binge drinking have been well documented, both for those of legal drinking age and those under 21. The problem, as State Representative Phyllis Kahn sees it, is that young people never learn first-hand how to drink responsibly. The veteran Minneapolis Democrat’s solution would be to legalize teen drinking in certain circumstances, in….
Alcohol-fuelled disorder costs every home
Alcohol-fuelled crime and disorder is costing every household almost £600 a year as the true impact of the country’s drink problem is exposed for the first time. Coping with the effects of drunken rowdiness and offending, including policing, health care and loss of earnings, leaves England and Wales with an annual bill of up to….
Adolescent substance abuse
The use of harmful drugs has spread worldwide. People of all ages have become addicted to harmful chemical substances like the drugs, alcohol and smoking, which alters their physical and mental state. To track down the use of drugs in these people is impossible, but a general survey has estimated that adolescent drug abuse rates….