to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Vermont Treatment Centers
Vermont AA Meetings
District 2 Burlington, Vermont AA
AA St. Albans, Franklin County Dist, 1
Northwest Kingdom District 3
Vermont AA Meetings List
Al-Anon Family Groups
Vermont Al-Anon / Alateen
Mental Health Services
Department of Mental Health Vermont
Vermont Association Mental Health Addiction Recovery
Vermont Mental Health Counselors Association
Vermont Federation of Families for Children Mental Health
NAMI Vermont
Anonymous Groups
Green Mountain Area NA
Champlain Valley Area of NA
Vermont District of Cocaine Anonymous
Marijuana Anonymous – Vermont
Sex Addicts Anonymous Vermont
Vermont Council on Problem Gambling
Vermont Helplines
AIDS Hotline – call (800) 882-2437
Women’s Rape Crisis Center – call (802) 864-0555
Vermont Adult Crisis Hotline – call 800-488-6400
Child Abuse Hotline – call 888-SOS-CHILD
Vermont Emergency/Suicide Hotline – 877-485-8874
Vermont Sexual Assault Hotline – call 800-228-7935
Treatment & Detox Guide
There are many beliefs as to how alcoholism sets in, with a growing number of people accepting that this is a disease. There are multiple stages of alcoholism, all of which can be pinpointed if a person is facing an addiction. While it is not always easy to determine if somebody is addicted to alcohol,….
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Dual diagnosis treatment programs help individuals who have a substance abuse problem as well as a mental illness A high percentage of people who abuse drugs or alcohol have been linked to having at least one mental disorder Almost thirty percent of people who suffer from a mental disorder begin to use drugs or alcohol….
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Gary Reinbach started drinking alcohol with friends when he was 13. Now 22, his is one of the worst cases of cirrhosis of the liver among young people that his doctors have seen. His predicament may serve as a wake-up call to a generation of young drinkers who are downing large volumes of cheap alcohol…..
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A recent report issued by the World Health Organization has found that alcohol is more deadly than AIDS and violence as well as various other conditions such as tuberculosis. It is estimated that 4% of all deaths that occur worldwide are caused by alcohol. Such alarming statistics give rise to the need for more alcohol….
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A potentially new form of an eating disorder has people cutting calories to enjoy alcohol without the weight gain. Summer has arrived. As students diet and exercise to get into swimsuit shape, an extension of an eating disorder called drunkorexia makes headlines. Drunkorexia, a non-medical term, was coined by the media. It refers to “people….
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