to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Vermont Treatment Centers
Vermont AA Meetings
District 2 Burlington, Vermont AA
AA St. Albans, Franklin County Dist, 1
Northwest Kingdom District 3
Vermont AA Meetings List
Al-Anon Family Groups
Vermont Al-Anon / Alateen
Mental Health Services
Department of Mental Health Vermont
Vermont Association Mental Health Addiction Recovery
Vermont Mental Health Counselors Association
Vermont Federation of Families for Children Mental Health
NAMI Vermont
Anonymous Groups
Green Mountain Area NA
Champlain Valley Area of NA
Vermont District of Cocaine Anonymous
Marijuana Anonymous – Vermont
Sex Addicts Anonymous Vermont
Vermont Council on Problem Gambling
Vermont Helplines
AIDS Hotline – call (800) 882-2437
Women’s Rape Crisis Center – call (802) 864-0555
Vermont Adult Crisis Hotline – call 800-488-6400
Child Abuse Hotline – call 888-SOS-CHILD
Vermont Emergency/Suicide Hotline – 877-485-8874
Vermont Sexual Assault Hotline – call 800-228-7935
Treatment & Detox Guide
Spring means a lot of things to thousands of students. For many high school and college students it means travel and extreme drinking. You don’t have to go far to see pictures of hard-partying teens and young adults on the internet. For them, binge drinking has become a dangerous badge of honor. But it comes….
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All children from the age of 10 are to be routinely asked by GPs how much alcohol they drink. New guidelines expected from the government’s health watchdog will recommend that family doctors screen youngsters for alcohol abuse on their first appointment or during routine visits. The guidelines aim to curb the health damage caused by….
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While some 18 million Americans suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence, only one in eight receives treatment. Poor diagnosis may play a role in people being undertreated, but there are a growing number of tools to help people assess and understand whether they have alcohol problems. One of the latest tools is a new government….
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Some people drink to forget, but scientists have found that anyone who binge drinks is more likely to forget only the worst experiences of being drunk – which is why alcohol is such an addictive drug. Alcohol has been found to affect memory in a selective manner. Drinking makes it easier to remember the good….
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It Tells You something about the novelty of a French debate about “le binge drinking” that an equivalent French term has yet to enter into common usage and that whenever the media broach it, they feel obliged first to explain to people what exactly it is. They’ve been doing a lot of explaining lately. According….
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