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Treatment & Detox Guide
Try These Therapies Before Giving Up Hope in Treatment
Are you in a treatment program and about to give up hope? Has the treatment you’re receiving seemingly lost it’s effectiveness or have you had difficulty recovering from addiction despite your trying many different types of treatment? It’s not uncommon to hit a plateau when you are receiving addiction treatment and to require a change….
The Genetics of Alcoholism
Alcohol consumption is probably as old as human civilization, and so is its abuse. The social and physiological ill effects of alcoholism are well known. What is less clear is why certain individuals are more predisposed to it. Alcohol addiction is a multifactorial phenomenon where personality traits, individual and social influences interact with neurobiology, creating….
Anti-binge drinking campaign reminds people to know their limits
A new advertising campaign including a video which confronts young people with the reality of their drunken behaviour was unveiled by Home Office Minister Alan Campbell today. The centrepiece of this year’s Know Your Limits campaign is a new internet viral advert which shows footage of people’s sober reactions when asked to behave as they….
5 Benefits of Inpatient Treatment Centers
Inpatient treatment centers offer people the greatest and most effective environments for people to conquer their drug or alcohol addictions. An inpatient treatment center means that an individual will be living at the treatment center for a period of time to detoxify from their addiction. By doing this they will have access to a multitude….
Chronic addiction-based offenders must first be separated from society
It’s hard to say 30 strikes and you’re out with a straight face. It sounds like a silly joke. But the astounding truth is that the Vancouver Police Department tracks 379 offenders who have an average of 39 convictions each, primarily for theft and other property crime. Six have more than 100 convictions. These are….