In these tough economic times, most people are watching where they spend their money, and it’s likely they wouldn’t be pleased to know that nearly $252 goes missing annually without them realizing it. That money goes to cover the costs associated with the hospitalization, law enforcement work and even funerals of minors who consume alcohol…..
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A recent study conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) shows that online interventions for problem alcohol use can be effective in changing drinking behaviours. Individuals given access to an online screener at reduced their alcohol consumption by 30 per cent — or six to seven drinks weekly — a rate….
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Strong cravings for alcohol can be sparked by the mere sight, smell and taste of a person’s favorite drink. Responses to such cues that are associated with the positive effects of drinking are a lead cause of relapse in abstinent alcoholics. Using a behavioral animal model, researchers of a new study, scheduled for publication in….
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Going to substance abuse treatment centers can be beneficial to your overall health and well-being. These facilities are specifically designed to work with individuals who have addictions so that they can live better and more productive lives that do not necessarily revolve around their addictions. If you are considering checking yourself into this type of….
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A Project to curb underage binge drinking across the nation will be trialled in Tasmania. Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon said the Government had signed a $700,000 funding agreement with the State Government to operate a pilot program in southern Tasmania teaching teenagers about the risks of drinking. “The pilot is part of an innovative….
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