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Treating teens and adults for substance abuse
The number of teenagers and adults influenced under the substance abuse is greatly increasing worldwide. Substance abuse largely affects the physical and the mental state of a person. Substance abuse affects the body of an individual depending on various the factors like the age, gender, quantity of the drugs taken on regular basis etc. Therefore,….
Alcohol on TV 'prompts drinking'
People are more likely to turn to alcohol while watching TV if they see drinking being portrayed in films or adverts, a study shows. The research, led by a team from Radboud University in the Netherlands, monitored the behaviour of 80 young people while they watched television. Researchers found those who saw lots of alcohol….
What is ADHD
ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a neurobehavioral disorder that affects generally about 5% of the total population of the world below the age of 19 years. Its onset is usually seen during the childhood that is marked by impulsivity, hyperactivity, forgetfulness and distractibility. It becomes apparent in children during the preschool years….
Drug addiction
Drug addiction is process of repeated drug use, rising craving of drugs and then state occurs where person cannot control this craving for drugs. This craving for drugs generally results in the seeking and use of drugs. This repeated use of drugs affects behavior of that person within the family and society. The physical symptoms….
Is alcoholism a problem of the poor?
The government’s fierce war against alcohol has taken a different dimension. When they started, the government said alcohol drinking was a vice that perpetuates social moral turpitude. That was then, but now they have raised the pitch, zoning in on the face of poverty, a feature that continues to define a significant section of our….