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Treatment & Detox Guide
Finally, the end of relapsing
Ever since the invention of alcohol and before the launch of new age treatment, people have been forced to rely upon traditional methods of achieving sobriety… everything from quitting cold turkey, to tooth grinding will power and “talk therapy” … and finally of course there’s the renowned 12 step programs introduced in the 1950s. AA….
10 ways to detoxify your body
It is necessary to detox your body if start feeling sluggish, have aches, pains, skin and digestive problems and start straying from your healthier health habits. Below given are 10 ways to detoxify your body. Firstly, it is recommended to eat plenty of foods that contain fiber. This includes foods like brown rice, fresh fruits….
Teenager with ADHD
ADHD mostly affects small children. However, many times it does happen that children with ADHD do suffer from this disorder even in their teenage. Therefore, though children suffering from ADHD successfully navigate from school years if properly treated, the child with ADHD, when enters his teenage needs to be again re-evaluated for this disorder. And….
Anti-smoking drug may curb drinking too
The anti-smoking drug Chantix may also be able to help problem drinkers cut down on alcohol, a preliminary study suggests. In a study of 20 smokers who were also heavy drinkers, Yale University researchers found that those who took Chantix for one week became less interested in drinking. They reported less craving for alcohol, and….
All about addiction
Alcohol is a hypnotic sedative drug through which the central nervous system gets depressed. People drink alcohol on some social events and they get a lot of satisfaction from it. But this is one of the way through which they get addicted towards it. And once they get addicted, it sometimes becomes difficult to rehabilitate….