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Treatment & Detox Guide
Reasons to Choose Inpatient Drug Treatment Over Outpatient Drug Treatment
There are a number of reasons why one type of drug treatment may or may not prove to be more effective than the other. Ultimately, the reasons that you choose inpatient drug treatment versus outpatient drug treatment may differ significantly from the next person but the end result is the same—inpatient drug treatment tends to….
Binge drinking a continuing problem among underage Oregonians
A year ago, a booze-fueled spring break trip was all the news when two Portland State University basketball players got into a drunken brawl in Mexico. That donnybrook drew lots of attention because athletes were involved. But it was otherwise unremarkable: Studies show that, while students don’t necessarily drink more on spring break, those who….
Privacy at Substance Abuse Treatment Centers
Going to substance abuse treatment centers can be beneficial to your overall health and well-being. These facilities are specifically designed to work with individuals who have addictions so that they can live better and more productive lives that do not necessarily revolve around their addictions. If you are considering checking yourself into this type of….
Alcohol treatment essential
One of the toughest steps for an alcoholic is to shake off the denial. It can fester for years until one day he realizes he’s lost — or is on the verge of losing — his family, his job, even his life. So he takes the plunge and starts to seek a path to recovery…..
Medical-marijuana use can block chance at transplant
Timothy Garon’s face and arms are hauntingly skeletal, but the fluid building up in his abdomen makes the 56-year-old musician look eight months pregnant. His liver, ravaged by hepatitis C, is failing. Without a new one, his doctors tell him, he will be dead in days. But Garon has been refused a spot on the….