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Cancer Treatment
Cancer is a disease seen in many people. It is an unpredictable and an uncanny condition. But, today medical science has advanced so much in the different fields of cancer treatment that the cures and treatment for cancer are readily available. There are different alternatives available and the choice of a particular one depends upon….
Binge drinking a problem for older adults too
Binge drinking is usually seen as a problem of college campuses, but many older adults may be overindulging in alcohol as well, a study published Monday suggests. Using data from a government survey of nearly 11,000 Americans age 50 and up, researchers found that 23 percent of men between the ages of 50 and 64….
We have a drinking problem, say Aussies
The majority of Australians say the nation has a drinking problem, new research reveals. Almost 80 per cent of adults think Australians drink too much and 85 per cent want to see more action to address excessive drinking, a Galaxy survey commissioned by the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation (AER) has found. The survey showed….
Dangers of binge drinking
Binge drinking is often associated with many health risks including sexually transmitted diseases and alcohol poisoning. While it’s been proven that drinking alcohol in moderation can be good for your health, that is not the case when it comes to binge drinking. FACC Cardiologist Dr. Lynn Einbinder says binge drinking is usually defined as having….
12-Step Treatment Programs and the Spiritual Foundation for Recovery
When Alcoholic’s Anonymous first began in the early 1930s, more than 75% of all addicts who took part in the program actually made a full recovery from their addiction to alcohol. These numbers are actually very high when compared with many of today’s current treatment modalities. Alcoholics Anonymous was the first to coin the 12-step….