There’s a calendar Bill’s friends at school keep, but it doesn’t have exam dates or football games on it. “We mark our calendars every time we find out someone’s parents are going to be out of town,” the 17-year-old Sandburg High School senior said. That’s when 10, 20, 50 kids descend on the house with….
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Ministers battling to beat Scotland’s addiction to drink and drugs will unveil a radical shake-up of rehabilitation today. They are to disband Scotland’s 11 Alcohol and Drug Action Teams and create 32 local authority teams. Following a damning critique of efforts to reduce the harm caused by alcohol and drugs by Audit Scotland last month,….
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From a Small Sample of Hair, This Test Can Distinguish Non-Drinkers from Moderate and Abusive Drinkers Alcoholism poses serious health issues with major socio-economic consequences to society. Four major areas of concern are public transportation, child custody rights, measuring underage drinking, and tools for monitoring rehabilitation. The Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 requires….
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A new specialized treatment unit will open later this month in Anchorage to accept alcoholics involuntarily committed to a detoxification program. The unit is an attempt to intervene with street alcoholics who cannot make good choices for themselves, Robert Heffle, director of the Salvation Army’s Clitheroe Center, told The Anchorage Daily News in a story….
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Increasingly, the need for specialized treatment centers for seniors becomes more and more important. A growing number of seniors are struggling with a range of addictions such as alcoholism, addiction to prescription medications and various other addictions. Because seniors respond differently to drug addiction treatment and have varied reasons for using drugs the need for….
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