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Treatment & Detox Guide
Why Doctors Are Giving Heroin to Heroin Addicts
Treating heroin addicts by giving them heroin might seem counterintuitive. But for some of the most hardened addicts, administering heroin in supervised clinics may just do the trick where detox and methadone have failed. Following the lead of Switzerland and a handful of other countries, Britain recently concluded a four-year trial in which longtime addicts….
Treatment Center
Treatment center is a term related to medical division. The intense medical development has generated many centers for treatments on various diseases all over the world. Almost all the centers are dedicated to provide top quality medical services to the patients. Many people suffer from various dangerous diseases including cancer, HIV, Rosacea, and drug addictions…..
Anti-binge drinking campaign reminds people to know their limits
A new advertising campaign including a video which confronts young people with the reality of their drunken behaviour was unveiled by Home Office Minister Alan Campbell today. The centrepiece of this year’s Know Your Limits campaign is a new internet viral advert which shows footage of people’s sober reactions when asked to behave as they….
Wealthy women more likely to binge drink
Wealthy and professional women are far more likely to binge drink than those on lower incomes, a new survey of Scotland’s health has suggested. Official figures showed 31 per cent of females in homes with the highest earners drink more than the recommended limit of 14 units per week, the equivalent of seven pints of….
Drug addiction
Drug addiction is process of repeated drug use, rising craving of drugs and then state occurs where person cannot control this craving for drugs. This craving for drugs generally results in the seeking and use of drugs. This repeated use of drugs affects behavior of that person within the family and society. The physical symptoms….