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Keep legal drinking age where it is – at 21

If there’s a deeply compelling reason for dropping the minimum legal drinking age to 18, the distinguished academic supporters of the Amethyst Initiative haven’t made it yet. Granted, the statement signed by 100 college presidents – including Pacific Lutheran University’s Loren Anderson – doesn’t come right out and say they want a lower drinking age,….

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Teen Drinking Tied to Bad Choices as Adult

Study Shows Alcohol Abuse as Teenager Could Affect Future Decision-Making Abuse alcohol when you’re young and you’ll make unwise decisions later on in life, a new study suggests. It is well known that too much alcohol can slow down a person’s ability to think, react, and make decisions at the current moment. But scientists from….

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Ian Oliver: Legalising drugs would only make matters worse

Recently, A great deal of media attention has been focused on a call for the legalisation of drugs by a former civil servant who was responsible for the Cabinet’s anti-drug unit. In The Independent last week, Julian Critchley said that legalisation would be “less harmful than the current strategy” and that an “overwhelming majority of….

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Many unaware of alcohol calories

Many people are unaware of the calorie content of alcohol, a survey shows. Four in 10 did not know a glass of wine has the same calories (120) as a slice of cake, or that a pint of lager and a small sausage roll have 170 each. The poll of 2,000 adults in England was….

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Teens Cite Ease of Access To Drugs

A growing number of teenagers say it’s easier to illegally obtain prescription drugs than to buy beer, according to a survey published today. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University asked: “Which is easiest for someone your age to buy: cigarettes, beer, marijuana, or prescription drugs such as OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin….

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