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Treatment & Detox Guide
60 repeat DUI offenders successfully complete year in Akron Municipal Court’s treatment program
The only detail Doug remembers clearly of his drunken drive home from a friend’s house last year is being arrested at the end of it. It wasn’t the first time Doug had gotten caught behind the wheel after a night of drinking. But thanks to a treatment-based program at Akron Municipal Court, it was his….
Alcohol craving reduced by drugs
Twin research projects have offered both present and future hope to people suffering from alcohol addiction. US researchers say that epilepsy drug topiramate boosts general health as well as cutting the craving for drink. A UK specialist said the potential side-effects of topiramate still merited caution. A separate project showed that a single injection of….
Older Drinkers: Timebomb For Carers, Health Services
A report Alcohol and Older People: A Review of issues and responses by researchers at the University of the West of England, investigating the implications for care provision for older people with alcohol problems, has identified that health care practitioners and alcohol services are likely to need to move up a gear to cope with….
Who Engages in Prescription Drug Abuse?
The epidemic of prescription drug use is a serious one. Most people that abuse prescription drugs are doing so without a doctor’s approval. They are using their medication in other ways other than prescribed by a doctor. Some may also be getting it from someone else. This can lead to drug dependence and addiction. According….
Cure for alcoholism discovered?
An eminent French doctor claims to have identified a ‘miracle’ cure for alcoholism. In his book titled, Le Dernier Verre [The Last Glass], Dr Olivier Ameisen, claims that he got rid of his habit with the help of drugs, although experts and anti-alcoholism campaigners are sceptical about his claims. Citing his own case as an….