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Drinking Problem: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
When Diane O’Connor adopted four children she had been fostering, she knew she had challenges ahead of her. Her previous experiences with foster children at her home in Upstate Albany had proven such kids often suffered from a variety of emotional and behavioral problems. This was understandable, given the abuse and neglect they had endured….
Treatment Options for Veterans
Many veterans experience the ravages of war and combat first-hand. Most anyone put through these types of experiences carries some form of emotional and even psychological scarring. Couple this with the wide range of physical injuries that take place, and it is little wonder drug addiction affects so many veterans in one form or another…..
Teen drug rehabilitation
Teens are very prone to addiction or drug abuse. It may start with trial of excitement or fun with friends, but they may never know when they get addicted to such a harmful thing. The habit of taking drugs, can largely affect the performance of the teen in the school and also at sports, hampering….
Research finds gene bringing together animal and human research in alcoholism
An important genetic study conducted through Mayo Clinic has identified vital new information concerning alcoholism in subjects with European ancestry, according to a recent issue of Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research. Research findings indicate that alcohol dependence is highly inheritable, although specific genes and their variations associated with this illness remain unknown. Animal model studies….
What Treatment Program is Right for Me?
If you are suffering from addiction to drugs or alcohol, finding the right treatment program for your individual needs can be challenging and time consuming but it can also save your life. There are various types of treatment programs available to assist people just like you in overcoming addiction, mental illness or a wide range….