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Good news, bad news about teen drinking
Aaron Holsinger said he doesn’t like telling his tragic tale, but he really has no choice. Holsinger, now 28, was convicted of negligent homicide after his girlfriend, Gina Erickson, died in a 2001 drunken-driving accident. He was driving the car. He spent six months in jail, will be on probation until he is 41 and….
Underage drinking remains a serious problem
Underage drinking is a serious problem — and getting worse When police are called to a party or other event where minors are in possession of or have consumed alcoholic beverages, enforcement action is sometimes met with scorn or ridicule – not by the underage drinkers, but by a small minority of parents or guardians…..
PTSD doubles the rates of addiction: Early detection is important for a healthy life
“Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event. A traumatic event is something horrible and scary that you see or that happens to you. During this type of event, you think that your life or others’ lives are in danger. You may feel afraid….
Tips for Hiring an Intervention Specialist
After a certain point, addicts lose the ability to see the negative effects of drugs in their lives and the lives of others. In many cases, staging a drug intervention may be the only way to open up the addict’s eyes to the problem of addiction. Considering the potential for volatility and heated exchanges, hiring….
Using Stem Cells to Study Alcohol Dependence
An estimated 14 million Americans – one in eight – are addicted to alcohol or will develop an alcohol use disorder. Yet despite the very high personal and economic costs, the vast majority of individuals with an alcohol use disorder never receive treatment. Researchers at the UConn Health Center are trying to do something about….