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Treatment & Detox Guide
Types of Alcoholism & How Treatment Centers Can Help
Living with an alcoholic can be extremely hard and stressful and being addicted to alcohol can cause both psychological and physical damage to a person’s body. Since alcohol is the number one abused drug in the world there are many people who suffer from alcohol addiction and since alcohol addiction effect millions of Americans, there….
Drinking to excess a big danger for women
A New Study at St James’s Hospital, Dublin has shown that excess drinking can lead to heart problems, with the effects particularly dangerous for women. Doctors investigating the modifiable lifestyle issues of patients being treated for hypertension have found worryingly high levels of alcohol consumption with the consequences including stiffened arteries, enlarged hearts and greater….
Getting sober in the Jewish community
Like the term teetotaler, the notion that Jews can’t be alcoholics is a bit quaint. It’s also a myth that can be an obstacle on the often painful but ultimately exhilarating path to recovery. “I think it can make it more difficult,” says a Camden County businessman and Reform Jew who, at 51, has been….
Pill could fight alcoholism
For alcoholics, experts say the consequences of addiction last long after an evening binge to affect abusers’ entire lives, from restless mornings to sleepless nights. BU School of Medicine is conducting a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of a psychiatric medication that could eliminate or significantly reduce heavy drinkers’ cravings for alcohol, according to….
What is an Intervention & How Does it Work
Alcohol and drug addictions can take a considerable toll on the addict as well as the people in the addict’s life. By its very nature, addiction sets a person up to deny its existence as a problem, so loved ones are already at a disadvantage when trying to help an addict change his or her….