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Marijuana proponents urge colleges to mellow out
INDIANAPOLIS — Hey dude, can we talk? Marijuana advocates who say pot is safer than alcohol want colleges to wade into a hazy debate over whether schools’ tough pot penalties are actually worsening their drinking woes. They argue that stiff punishments for being caught in a campus dorm with pot steer students to booze and….
Monthly Shot Helps Alcoholics From Drinking
A new monthly injection could help keep holiday drinkers on the wagon. David Rosenbloom, a specialist in substance abuse at Boston University School of Public Health, said for people battling alcoholism, holidays pose a strong danger of relapse. “For some it’s the stress of being lonely, for others it’s the stress of being with people,”….
Program sets record straight on underage drinking
There’s good news and there’s bad news when it comes to underage drinking in Pee Dee. The good news is that incidents of underage drinking seem to be on the decline. The bad news is that those who do drink are drinking more than ever, according to Circle Park Prevention Services data. “We’ve have some….
Alcohol's Effects: Old vs. Young People
Study Shows Older People Less Likely to Realize How Alcohol Is Affecting Them Social drinking seems to impair older people more than their younger drinking buddies. Also, older people are less likely to realize how the alcohol is affecting them, according to a new study. The study, published in The Journal of Studies on Alcohol….
SOS offers addiction recovery without religion
For atheists who are addicted to alcohol or drugs, recovery programs that urge reliance on a “higher power” can be problematic. What is this higher power? Despite protestations to the contrary, the term is obviously meant as a synonym for God. Substituting “nature,” “or “science” or some such thing doesn’t quite cut it. There is….