It’s the kind of tongue-in-cheek concept that might have percolated out of the subversive imagination of R. Crumb, underground cartoon chronicler of the 1960s. Grandma and Grandpa are passing the time in their rockers—and passing a joint back and forth as they recall their youthful marijuana-smoking days in Haight-Ashbury. In fact, according to three investigators….
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The night out was jokingly billed as “the messiest” in town but the reality was nothing to laugh about. Hammered teenagers guzzled strong lager for £1 a pint at the rowdy student club night. Tottering drinkers quickly lost all powers of self-control and wrestled with each other to be served first. Worryingly, these sort of….
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Instead of locking offenders up for alcohol offenses, Putnam County is going high tech to try and help them get sober. Putnam County Circuit Court Judge Phillip Stowers pushed for a program called SCRAM. It’s a bracelet, which looks similar to a home-confinement bracelet, that detects alcohol 24 hours a day, seven days a week…..
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Bi-polar disorder is mainly a type of mood disorder and highly related to the psychological health of a person. People affected with bi-polar disorder experience great emotional fluctuations, which can induce fatal suicidal tendency in the affected. Therefore, bi-polar disorder needs to be timely treated. To help the patient, knowing the causes of the disorder….
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The mental state of the person affects greatly the immune power of his body to external addictions and also unacceptable extreme behavior. If an individual is not sound mentally, then there are chances of him getting addicted to harmful things and destroying his life completely. Dual diagnosis occurs to the people who are both….
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