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Warning over alcohol intake surge
The amount Britons drink has surged in recent decades, fuelled by plummeting prices and more women bingeing on alcohol. Awareness groups have warned for some time that consumption of alcohol is rising and that the number of booze-related deaths will continue to increase unless action is taken. Alison Rogers, chief executive of the British Liver….
Recognizing the Need for Alcohol Addiction Treatment
It’s never too late to seek help for an addiction to alcohol but there are some ways that we can learn to recognize the need for alcohol addiction treatment long before the severe consequences and physical illness begin to fully set in. If you or someone you love drinks alcohol regularly, there’s a chance that….
Co-occurring disorders in adolescent girls
“Co-occurring disorders”, as the name suggests, is a disorder, in which the person is affected with dual problems like that of an emotional or psychiatric problem along with drug or alcohol addiction. The “co-occurring disorder” has a great effect on the patients “psychological and physical health”. A large part of the global population is experiencing….
Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms
Binge eating disorder is a dangerous mental health disorder marked by eating large amounts of food, frequently, and with no control over quantities or frequencies. Mental health disorders such as binge eating can lead to multiple health risks and are often a sign of underlying issues such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse. Unlike bulimia….
More help could be on way for heavy drinkers
Moves to improve ‘appalling’ services for people with alcohol problems look likely in West Sussex, amid concerns over the impact on hospitals. The West Sussex health overview and scrutiny committee was told a review of the services would follow a new five-year strategic commissioning plan for health services, to be unveiled soon by the West….