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A Look at Opiate Overdose Treatment as the FDA Approves Naloxone

Opiate overdoses from heroin and prescription pain medications have reached epidemic proportions over the course of the last decade. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, opiate-induced overdose deaths have increased from 4,030 in 1999 to 16,651 in 2010. For over three decades, emergency responders have used naloxone as an opiate overdose treatment….
Mistakes to Avoid Post Drug Treatment
Once you have completed drug treatment it’s easy to think that you are out of the danger zone and fully recovered from addiction. Unfortunately, the reality is that you are not ever in the clear and out of the danger zone when it comes to addiction. Recovery from addiction is a long term (lifelong) effort….
Causes and symptoms of substance abuse

The causes of substance abuse are many like family factors and the social factors. Children and adults who live in chaotic home environment are at a greater risk of causing substance abuse. In effecting parenting and lack of parental attachment along with lack of nurturing can also contribute to be a cause of the substance….
How Bulimia Treatment Improves Your Health

With weight loss or avoiding weight gain as the primary goal, bulimia drives many women (and a few men) to take drastic measures to attain an “ideal” body weight. According to Harvard Health Publications, an estimated one out of every 100 women will develop bulimia in their lifetime, whereas bulimia rates for men equal one-tenth….
35 to 55 – the danger zone for women recovering from alcoholism
According to an Australian researcher women recovering from alcoholism are in danger of relapsing between age 35 and 55 due to the increased pressure from family and work commitments. Ms Janice Withnall, who is three years into a PhD on the experiences of women who are recovering from alcohol dependency, says women are at a….