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Remembering The Good Times Helps Alcoholics Stay Sober
Recovering alcoholics who focus on positive experiences in their past may be more successful in managing their addiction. This is the finding of a study by Sarah Davies and Professor Gail Kinman of the University of Bedfordshire that was presented on the 16th April 2010, at the British Psychological Society’s Annual Conference in Stratford-upon-Avon. A….
Web Delivers New Worry for Parents: Digital Drugs
We all know that music can alter your mood. Sad songs can make you cry. Upbeat songs may give you an energy boost. But can music create the same effects as illegal drugs? This seems like a ridiculous question. But websites are targeting your children with so-called digital drugs. These are audio files designed to….
Unmistakable Signs of Meth Addiction and the Need for Treatment
When a loved one is addicted to methamphetamine the most important thing to do is get them into treatment immediately. Crystal meth, also known as glass or methamphetamine, is a dangerous drug and a meth addiction is a widely growing problem throughout the United States. Methamphetamine addiction is a very dangerous condition that requires immediate….
Recognizing Addiction Signs Early
If you are concerned that a loved one may have a drinking problem or a problem with substance abuse, you’re not alone. Recognizing the warning signs of drug or alcohol abuse early on can make a major difference when it comes to the length of time that it takes for the user to get well….
Psychologial Effects of Alcohol Abuse, Dependence
April is alcohol awareness month and one important issue to consider is that alcohol dependence, or alcoholism, and alcohol abuse can be linked to depression and other mental disorders. There are many studies that demonstrate this link, but one study reported by ScienceDaily suggested that “problems with alcohol abuse may lead to an increased risk….