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Treatment & Detox Guide
Opiate detox
Opiate intake regularly can lead to disorders related to the central nervous system. In an opiate addiction, the person is habitual to taking opiate drugs for “pain management”. This constant use of the opiates, affects the functioning of the nerve cells that results in the end of the “natural endorphins” production, which are capable of….
Taking Control of Your Addiction Treatment
Drug addiction is a dangerous disease that can result in death—but you can take control of your addiction, your treatment and ultimately your life. For those who suffer from addiction, the decision to get help can be a difficult decision to make but at the same time, it could be a lifesaving decision. When drug….
The brain maintains language skills in spite of alcohol damage by drawing from other regions
Researchers know that alcoholism can damage the brain’s frontal lobes and cerebellum, regions involved in language processing. Nonetheless, alcoholics’ language skills appear to be relatively spared from alcohol’s damaging effects. New findings suggest the brain maintains language skills by drawing upon other systems that would normally be used to perform other tasks simultaneously. Prior neuroimaging….
Helping Someone With Alcohol or Drug Problem
If someone confides in you that he or she has a problem with alcohol or other drugs, some ways of dealing with this situation clearly work better than others. You should try to be: Understanding – listen to reasons why he or she uses/ abuses alcohol or other drugs; Firm – explain why you feel….
5 Tips for Success in Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Compared to other types of addiction rehab, alcohol addiction treatment carries a 50 to 60 percent success rate, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. People who enter alcohol addiction treatment and follow the program greatly increase their likelihood of a successful recovery. Truth be told, recovering from an alcohol addiction is no….