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Residential treatment centers
Addiction of any type has the power to ruin the life of an individual completely, so much so that it can lead to the death of the affected or even provoke the individual to become a social threat. The causes of addiction are not exact; anything can lead an individual to get addicted. The….
Warning signs of teen drug abuse
Drug abuse in teens, is not a new problem for our modernized society. The drug abuse has widely spread and almost every part of the world is affected by this fatal addiction. The drug abuse has proved to be a great threat for the upcoming younger generation. Since, teen drug abuse constitutes of the larger….
Challenges You May Encounter in Drug Abuse Treatment
The decision to enter drug abuse treatment is, in essence, a decision to enter into a new way of life. After months or years of drug abuse, the damaging effects of drugs have created a negative quality of life that affects both a person’s physical and psychological well-being. According to the National Institute on Drug….
Doctors Call For End To Cheap Booze Deals
Cheap deals on alcoholic drinks should be illegal, a new report is proposing, with a call for tighter controls on the marketing of alcohol. The British Medical Association (BMA) argues young people are highly influenced by advertising and price deals, which encourage them to drink excessively. Its latest report will make recommendations on regulating alcohol….
Linwood Group Reveal Whether There is a Link Between Alcohol and Depression
Statistics prove the link between alcohol and depression reveal the Linwood Group. In the past, many in the medical profession have tended to view alcohol and depression as separate issues. However increasingly, research is showing that they are indeed strongly related to one another. In fact, after surveying over 14,000 people with early onset symptoms….