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TreatmentCenters.com: A national directory for treatment centers and therapist. alcohol addiction, drug addiction,substance abuse,eating disorders,drug rehabilitation.rehab
Drug treatment centers
The drug treatment centers aim at providing rehabilitation services to those people who are addicted to alcohol, drugs and those suffering from dual diagnosis. These facilities offer curative treatments for alcoholism, drug addiction and dual diagnosis. They are well equipped to help addicts rediscover their inner strength, support them and help them live a fairly….
5 Signs Your Loved One Needs Drug Rehab
Drug use is a serious problem that affects millions of people. Early recognition of the problem can help you to determine whether your loved one needs drug rehab. While you may not want to think about it, without drug rehab, many addicts will continue down a path of destruction that leads them directly to their….
Monthly Shot Helps Alcoholics From Drinking
A new monthly injection could help keep holiday drinkers on the wagon. David Rosenbloom, a specialist in substance abuse at Boston University School of Public Health, said for people battling alcoholism, holidays pose a strong danger of relapse. “For some it’s the stress of being lonely, for others it’s the stress of being with people,”….
Understanding the Disease Model of Addiction
The disease model of addiction expresses that addiction is a brain disease. A brain disease which only gets worse as it progresses through various stages. The disease of addiction has no cure, but it can be treated. The answer to treatment is medical intervention (using medication-assisted treatment), abstinence (completely staying away from drugs) and sustained….