Excessive sway during quiet standing is a common and significant consequence of chronic alcoholism, even after prolonged sobriety, and can lead to fall-related injury and even death. A new study of residual postural instability in alcohol-abstinent men and women shows that alcoholics improve with prolonged sobriety, but the improvement may not fully erase the problem….
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Managing alcohol addiction, including free drinks, has worked wonders — and shows why we must treat addictions equally Every day, in the shadow of Parliament Hill, 30 homeless alcoholics are fed, housed and served drinks, each hour on the hour, between early morning and evening. That this “managed alcohol” program run by Ottawa’s Inner City….
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A major portion of the therapy and counseling that is received in drug treatment programs is focused on setting achievable recovery goals and actually working towards achieving those goals. Unfortunately, addiction can make it difficult to achieve goals and likewise, setting unrealistic goals makes achieving the goals virtually impossible which leads to constant feelings of….
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OPINION: ‘MILAN HAS banned the consumption and sale of alcohol to young teenagers in an effort to curb binge drinking,” said yesterday morning’s news as I staggered downstairs to make a cup of tea. “Parents of children under the age of 16 caught drinking wine or spirits will be liable to heavy fines of up….
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Alcohol disinhibits the parts of the brain that control thoughts, feelings and behaviour; that’s why adults drink. Of course, most of us view this less technically in terms of “relaxing” and “enjoying ourselves”. And in most cases, that’s what it lets us do. Yet alcohol’s extraordinary ability to disinhibit other adult impulses is well documented…..
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