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Treatment & Detox Guide
Who does what in a cancer treatment program?
Cancer treatments are very complicated. Every treatment largely depends on the type of cancer and its stage and its side effects on the patient. There are various stages involved in the treatment process and therefore there are various professionals and specialists helping the patient, in the treatment process. Given below are some information on who….
Services Offered at Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers
Many people suffer from both co-occurring chemical dependency disorders and behavioral health problems such as anxiety and depression. This condition is commonly known as dual diagnosis. What is worse is that it is more prevalent than many people realize. According to a study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association, nearly 53 percent….
Boozing Blunts Ability to Read Faces
Heavy drinking can affect the ability to recognize other people’s facial emotions, a new study has found. Researchers used functional MRI to monitor brain activity in 15 abstinent long-term alcoholics while they looked at images of faces with positive or negative emotional expressions. The brain scans revealed decreased activation in the amygdala and hippocampus, regions….
Australian Government Develops Strategy for Combating Alcohol Abuse
The Federal Government in Australia is developing a strategy for combating excessive alcohol consumption, spending $53.5 million dollars on a national strategy. This comes after concern about binge drinking amongst young people, a rise of alcohol-related violence and associated problems. The national approach follows state government strategies to combat alcohol abuse. One state government recently….
Marijuana proponents urge colleges to mellow out
INDIANAPOLIS — Hey dude, can we talk? Marijuana advocates who say pot is safer than alcohol want colleges to wade into a hazy debate over whether schools’ tough pot penalties are actually worsening their drinking woes. They argue that stiff punishments for being caught in a campus dorm with pot steer students to booze and….