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Treatment & Detox Guide
Sign of the high times
Obama’s decision not to prosecute medical marijuana users and sellers suggests the war on drugs is ending Ships of state tend to change course slowly. Policies set in place over decades, and implemented by large, self-perpetuating bureaucracies and enforcement systems are pretty hard to dismantle. Fundamental change rarely happens overnight. Much of the criticism that….
Dealing with addiction
Addiction to drugs and alcohol has gradually become the biggest “social evil” that we are facing today. Addiction to certain substances can ruin the professional as well as personal life of a person. Addiction can also lead to development of serious abnormal behaviors in a person that can result into dangerous criminal tendencies. Today, a….
School help for children of drinkers
Children with brain damage caused by their mothers drinking while pregnant are to get special help at school. More than 6,000 children are born each year with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) – a range of physical, behavioural and cognitive disabilities, including permanent brain injury, learning difficulties, poor co-ordination and hyperactivity. The Training and Development….
Types of Treatment at Methadone Treatment Centers

Abuse of prescription pain medications and street drugs, such as heroin and opium has left many recreational users at the mercy of an addiction. Also known as opiate or narcotic drugs, battling this type of addiction requires specialized medical treatment along with ongoing support and guidance. Methadone treatment centers specialize in treating opiate addictions using….
A warning for teens: Binge drinking is dangerous and can be deadly
As a parent of a teenager who went through an alcohol ordeal, I’d like to share some information with other parents and most importantly – other teenagers. My 16-year -old son went on a drinking binge a short while back and almost lost his life. If it wasn’t for his awesome and most importantly, mature….