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Treatment & Detox Guide
Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol addiction refers to a compulsive need for the intake of a liquid that is derived from a fermented fruit or a grain. These liquids are wine, beer, rum, etc. you can label a person as alcohol addicted when he craves for alcohol and is unable to limit his drinking. The craving for alcohol is….
Alcohol-free weekend raises awareness
Those who decide to give up alcohol this Easter weekend won’t necessarily be doing so because of holiday tradition. For those involved in the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, it will represent an effort to raise awareness of alcohol disease. The three-day challenge, always the first weekend of April, kicks off the 23rd….
Potential Drug Treatment for Alcoholism
A drug currently approved to treat bipolar disorder and schizophrenia may play a role in the treatment of alcoholism. The drug is called aripiprazole (Abilify); researchers say more research is needed, but this first study found the drug helps lessen the euphoric effects of alcohol. Aripiprazole is a dopamine partial agonist, so it works differently….
Mental health: Broken system, shattered lives
Miller Jordan Jr. never gave up on his only son. The Clarke Central High School assistant principal tried for years to get treatment for Miller Jordan III’s mental illness. But the younger Jordan stabbed his father and grandfather to death Dec. 30 – hours after doctors sent Jordan home from a hospital where he told….
Warning over alcohol intake surge
The amount Britons drink has surged in recent decades, fuelled by plummeting prices and more women bingeing on alcohol. Awareness groups have warned for some time that consumption of alcohol is rising and that the number of booze-related deaths will continue to increase unless action is taken. Alison Rogers, chief executive of the British Liver….