Alabama Treatment Centers
- Abbeville
- Alabaster
- Alexander City
- Anniston
- Ashville
- Athens
- Attalla
- Bessemer
- Birmingham
- Boaz
- Brent
- Carrollton
- Cullman
- Daphne
- Decatur
- Demopolis
- Dothan
- Florence
- Fort Payne
- Fort Rucker
- Gadsden
- Geneva
- Grand Bay
- Guntersville
- Hamilton
- Huntsville
- Jacksonville
- Jasper
- Livingston
- Madison
- Mobile
- Montgomery
- Newton
- Northport
- Oxford
- Phenix City
- Prattville
- Rogersville
- Russellville
- Scottsboro
- Selma
- Sheffield
- Sylacauga
- Troy
- Tuscaloosa
- Tuskegee
- Warrior
- Wetumpka
Alabama AA Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous – A comprehensive list of AA meetings in Alabama including local websites and telephone numbers to assist those suffering from alcohol addiction in finding local support.
Central Alabama AA – For residents looking for local Alcoholics Anonymous support in the central Alabama region.
Birmingham, Alabama AA – For residents of Birmingham and surrounding areas in need of alcohol addiction recovery support.
Mobile, Alabama AA – For residents of Mobile and surrounding towns in search of quality support for alcohol addiction recovery.
North Alabama AA – Alcoholics Anonymous groups located in the northern Alabama region.
Eastern Shore Alabama AA – Alcoholics Anonymous support groups and listings in the Eastern Shore area of the state.
Al-Anon family groups provide support services for those who have a loved one or family member who is addicted to alcohol and who’s alcohol abuse has caused them suffering or pain.
Al-Anon Alabama – The Alabama & Northwest Florida chapter of Al-Anon Family groups.
Greater Birmingham, Al-Anon – The division of Al-Anon Family Groups providing support to residents of Greater Birmingham and surrounding communities.
Al-Anon / Al-Ateen Birmingham – The Birmingham area division of Al-Anon and Al-Ateen family groups and support for both adults and teens who have been victims of a loved one’s alcohol abuse.
Mental Health
The Alabama Department of Mental Health – Residents in need of mental health services or treatment can contact the Alabama Department of Mental Health toll free at 1-800-367-0955.
NAMI Alabama – The National Alliance on Mental Illness, Alabama location can be reached toll free at 1-800-626-4199 for help finding and choosing effective mental health treatment.
Montgomery Area Mental Health Authority – Providing quality mental health care and referrals to those living in Montgomery and surrounding areas.
Mental Health Association Morgan County – Mental health treatment for residents of Morgan County, Alabama.
Anonymous Support Groups
Alabama NA Schedule – Narcotics Anonymous scheduled meetings throughout Alabama.
Cocaine Anonymous Alabama – Cocaine Anonymous support groups throughout Alabama for those in recovery from Cocaine addiction.
Crystal Meth Anonymous Alabama – Support groups in Alabama for those in recovery from methamphetamine addiction.
Alabama Marijuana Anonymous – Marijuana Anonymous groups providing support and a helping hand to those suffering from marijuana addiction in Alabama.
Alabama Helplines
Jefferson County DHR Child Abuse Hotline – For child abuse situations, contact 205-423-4850
Alabama AIDS Hotline – For information and treatment referrals pertaining to AIDS, contact 800-228-0469
National Substance Abuse Hotline – Individuals suffering from substance abuse can get treatment referrals, support and answers by calling 800-729-6686
Suicide Prevention Lifeline – If suicide or depression is a problem, contact a caring professional at 800-784-2433