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Addiction Basics
Understanding the basics of substance abuse and addiction can help you to better understand when it’s time to get help. Though it may be overwhelming to attempt to keep up with everything pertaining to addiction, the latest trends in treatment and the latest drugs, you can keep up with the basics. This is especially essential….
Middle classes vulnerable to binge drinking
Alcohol is being used as a tool to mask the inner demons of the middle classes, the chief executive of a new body to tackle substance abuse claimed last night. Binge drinking – commonly perceived as a problem associated with rowdy town and city centres – is equally evident in homes across Wales, according to….
Avoiding alcohol's temptations in 'overwhelming' war zone
KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN — Once each week, in a fluorescent-lit room in a stout building near the heart of Kandahar Air Field, a multinational mix of troops and civilians gather to take on a battle that can’t be fought with conventional weapons. Sitting around a table, or on overstuffed furniture, they talk about bad days, frustrating….
Finding the Best Treatment Centers in Florida
The state of Florida has long been a major gateway for moving illegal drugs into and throughout the United States. Add to this Florida’s proximity to drug-producing countries and ongoing shipment hauls and it’s no wonder substance abuse rates continue to climb within the state. Fortunately, anyone who finds him or herself battling a drug….
Radiotherapy for cancer treatment
Radiotherapy is also commonly known as radiation therapy, which is also used for cancer treatment. As the name suggests, radiotherapy involves the use of radiations, the ionizing radiations, for treating cancer. These ionizing radiations “injure or destroy” the affected cancerous cells, hampering their “growth” and “division”. It is likely, the normal cells also being damaged,….