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Treatment & Detox Guide
5 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Drug Treatment Center
If you or a loved one is addicted to drugs and needs help, you should be prepared to present a series of questions when trying to choose between the variety of addiction treatment centers that are available. If you are looking for a drug rehabilitation hospital or outpatient drug rehabilitation program, or some less invasive….
An Overview of Anorexia Treatments

The Dangers of Anorexia Anorexia is an eating disorder that can result in a person losing vital nutrients they need for good health, and in a person losing bone mass. People who suffer from anorexia commonly have a distorted body image of their self, and frequently will not consume a healthy amount of food, if….
Mistakes to Avoid Post Drug Treatment
Once you have completed drug treatment it’s easy to think that you are out of the danger zone and fully recovered from addiction. Unfortunately, the reality is that you are not ever in the clear and out of the danger zone when it comes to addiction. Recovery from addiction is a long term (lifelong) effort….
How can dual diagnosis be treated
A person with Dual diagnosis is affected with substance abuse and mental health disorder at the same time. Therefore, it is very important to find out the cause of substance abuse and mental health problem, individually in these people and to study and then draft out a proper method for the diagnosis of this dual….
Binge drinking – the Maltese way
Maltese boozers start younger but handle their drink better, an international study finds. And while the law has often been amended to address issues such as underage drinking, enforcement has to date been scant. James Debono analyses our alcohol culture through statistics Maltese teenagers are more likely to binge than their peers in the United….